AFTER THE FIRE: THE saheli office Update


Newsletter Sep 2011 - Apr 2012

Life is slowly chugging back to usual under the flyover. Since the update in the last newsletter, many things have, and have not, happened!

We did some repair work inside the office – whatever we could do without breaking the PWD rule of not touching the ceiling of the office, which as many of you know is also the base of the Defence Colony Flyover.

After doing some basic repairs, new windows, new electricity connection, new phone and internet connection has been acquired but not without much running around and much heart burn. We have bought some furniture and office utilities and some have come from well-wishers like Lesley, Nivedita, Jaya, Anupama, Dinesh and Deepti’s parents. As for the publications and material that we could salvage, most of it has gone to Sadhna’s house and the rest is in the office.

The PWD engineer has made a visit to check what repairs need to be done but so far work has not started - last we heard was that they were about to float a tender! So till then we can’t get down to tearing down the dilapidated rooms of our office and start making a new one!

In any case our work has not stopped, nor can it be. This almost double sized Newsletter is in your hands and tells it all. All in all, things are not so bad except for the many layers of dust, plaster that’s already peeling, ...and the totally unnecessary exposure to the elements of nature! Drop in one Saturday to be with us and see for yourself.

Together at the office on 9th August, Saheli day.